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About the Author

I lead my first college human relations and sexuality discussion groups at the University of Vermont in 1976, and my passion for helping people better understand and accept the rich tapestry of human sexuality continues to this day. My lifetime interest in human sexuality, especially variations in sexual orientation and gender identity and how they affect our relationships with others, has given me the foundation for an educational outreach program to help make this a kinder, gentler world for all who follow.

Bisexuals are amazing human beings, and many are in very happy relationships and marriages. There is a place for us in this world, after all. I am always learning more and finding better ways to say what I want to say.

This is very personal stuff to be writing about in such a public way. I have faith in humanity that my work will be respected and used only for the purpose it is intended, which is to help bisexuals and those who love them learn to embrace and celebrate the joys of simply being bi. While I have a lifetime studying human sexuality, I am not a licensed counselor nor do I hold any special credentials, I am simply a lifetime student of human sexuality with a story to share. Issues with our sexuality, gender identity, and relationships are heavy stuff, so I recommend you have an experienced licensed and properly credentialed counselor to guide you on your journey.

Wishing you success wherever your journey will lead,

Mark R.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ALL VISITORS TO OUR SITE. contains writings that are a reflection of my own personal experience and observations. While I have spent over 40 years studying human relations and sexuality as well as a lifetime of experience living with my own variations in gender and sexual orientation I am NOT a licensed or credentialed mental health professional. I am just a regular guy with a story to tell and experiences to share. I recommend anyone who is struggling with issues regarding a mixed orientation relationship, gender identity or sexual orientation seek the guidance of an experienced professional counselor.

TERMS OF USE MUST BE OVER THE AGE OF 18 Published for reading by readers within the United States of America. All other readers must check the laws of their country to insure content that discusses sexuality and variations in sexual orientation do not violate their country or local laws.