Bigender and Gender Fluid Gender Identity - Video Introduction

 bigender deep in thought  1972

Bigender gender and gender fluid gender identity are a fascinating aspect of human nature. I have over 60 years of identifying as a delightfuly androgynous blend of the best of being male and female and something in between. Before I was even born my birth mother wrote about non binary gender. Of course two spirit gender and the Mexican Muxe and other gender variations have been around for thousands of years. In short being bigender, genderfluid and androgynous is a normal everyday part of being human.I myself consider being bigender a blessing, I get to experience first hand the  best of all genders

My understanding of what it means to be bigender and genderfluid are personal to me, others with gender variations will have their own understanding. The best way for me to explain what it's like to be bigender is to sit down and have a conversation. Since I can’t easily do that with all the visitors to my site I thought I would share this brief video expalining bigender, gender fluid and androgynous gender. It's a rough draft and work in progress but I hope it helps explain what it means to me to be bigender,gender fluid and androgynous.

I do want to emphasize , this is my version , others will have a different understanding so please have an open mind and talk with other bigender , genderfluid and androgynous  friends.

This video on bigender, genderfluid and androgynous gender identity is also available on Vimeo at:

Bigender, Gender Fluid and Androgynous Gender Identities

Bigender Video Concepts and Notes

Gender in general and being bigender in particular can be very individual and personal in nature. We need to accept peoples understanding of their gender because it is their gender after all.

    The three core aspects of gender are:

    Biological sex at birth that is male/female/intersex based on chromosones and sex characteristics.

    Gender Identity

    Gender Role

Being bigender and gender fluid can be binary but does not have to be. That is some aspect of being male or female or they can be non binary as a combination of genders or some new sense of gender entirely. Bigender Male sees Bigender Female in Mirror


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